The potato crop was a success!

After last year’s semi-success at growing a potato crop, we made another go of it.  With a year of experience under his belt, Caleb planted a nice crop of organic robinta potatoes, running the rows in an east/west configuration. 

Potato Crop 2010

After more research, I talked him into actually letting the plants flower and die back – like they are supposed to do!  Keeping him from digging them before it was time was tricky.  He can be pretty sneaky.  So far, with about 1/3 of the crop left to harvest, we have gotten about 28 pounds of some of the most delicious potatoes I have ever tasted! 

They come in all sizes from enormous to cute, petite bites.

Several of them have been split – I guess growing too fast.  None of them have been rotten.  Yay!  They slice like butter, even with a dull knife.  And no matter how we cook them, we marvel at how good they taste. 

Olive oil, kosher salt, and thyme - then roast.

I think there is a possibility that next year we might try them outside the “greenhouse”.  

   Otherwise we will never be able to grow enough to suit our needs.

8 thoughts on “The potato crop was a success!

  1. The splits come from a lack or reduced watering during the period when the tubers started growing (right after the plants break the ground). Then when they get a lot of rain or watering, the tubers really start to grow and basically ‘outgrow’ their skin and split. As you know, they still taste really good, regardless. They should be used up first since they won’t store as well as the whole potatoes. But, I get the impression they won’t be around that long to worry about spoiling! :>)

    Of course, I’m speaking from growing potatoes in the South so the reasons for the splits comes from our weather conditions. The same is true for the “hotness” of peppers and split radishes and such. The ‘lack’ of water will cause the peppers such as jalepenos or banana to be hotter than those that get rain on a regular basis.

    You should try sweet potatoes also! Yum yum!

    1. Gosh, thanks! Since we really don’t know what we are doing, tidbits of knowledge are very welcome. Where in the south? I’m wondering what the temp difference is between us. Our “warmest” day this summer was about 66 degrees. I wonder if sweet potatoes would fare well? I would love to try peppers; although I am sure those would have to stay in the greenhouse.

  2. Potatoes were lousy this year hereabouts. I don’t know why. 😦 The few I got were beautiful, though! The looked like little gems!

  3. Hey there – no posts in awhile!!! Do you know what Cora Holmes e-mail address is?? I lost it and the one on her website wouldn’t go thru.

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