Pickled Kelp




Gather only kelp that is still attached and living.  Cut off the hollow portion of a firm, fresh looking kelp tube.  Wash it in fresh water and cut it into ring slices.  Put rings into a glass container along with one large sliced onion.  Add a sprinkle of garlic salt and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.  Cover with a brine solution and refrigerate for at least 48 hours before serving. 



2 Cups vinegar

2/3 cup water

½ cup white sugar or up to 1 cup

4 tablespoons pickling spices


Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil.  Boil one minute.  Allow to cool before pouring over kelp rings.

4 thoughts on “Pickled Kelp

  1. That’s not too hard at all. So do I have to go outside on a BEACH to get live kelp?? Or in a skiff at low tide? ughhhhh hehe…Have you met me? I like my couch, the office and PCR, I don’t actually go OUTSIDE!? j/k heheh

    1. A skiff would be preferable. Then you can get your kelp from far, far away from the inner harbors. And it is pretty easy. Just don’t forget the part about letting the brine cool first. Otherwise it will discolor and kind of cook the kelp and it won’t be as crunchy.

  2. ok, wow I don’t think I even went on the skiff last year! opps. I’m sure T will de-winterize it in a couple months. I need to get out there… What’s next? Patruski? isn’t that one of the 1st to come up later…May??

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